Wylas Timing software includes free integration with all swim meet managers including Hytek Meet Manager, SwimTopia Meet Maestro and Splash Meet Manager.
Our integration provides seamless data automation and accuracy eliminating transcription errors and increasing the speed of your meets.
What Swim Meet Software do we integrate with?
Simple Meet Import
Import your meets into our software in 3 clicks
All meet manager adapters allow the import and export of all timing information. Our Hytek net adapter allows you to run the timing system and Hytek meet manager at the same time. Send Meet Mobile results in real time and make changes during the meet.
Supported Swim Meet Managers
Hytek Database Adapter
Requires no additional purchase. Meet Manager must be shut down while the Wylas Timing meet manager adapter is running.
Hytek Meet Manager – Net Adapter
Allows Wylas Timing and Hytek Meet Manager to be run concurrently. Suitable for clubs that want to run meets and have results updated immediately to Meet Mobile
Purchase net adapter from Hytek here
SwimTopia – Meet Maestro Adapter
Requires no additional purchase. Connects to your running Maestro application. Wylas Timing Recorder and Meet Maestro can be run concurrently. Seeding changes made in MM can be imported into Wylas via the Import Entries button.
Wylas File Meet Manager Adapter
The Wylas file adapter provides a simple, free meet manager solution for clubs. The meet manager adapter reads the meets, races and entries from comma separated value (CSV) files from a folder on your computer and post race exports all the race results back onto the CSV file on the computer. Great solution for small clubs that can’t afford a meet manager solution!